Polyurethane resins for construction materials

Applications detail

Construction materials, casting prepolymer


Buildings have undergone rapid changes in recent years, becoming more multifunctional, reaching greater heights and employing more lightweight materials. Construction polyurethane resins provide important indirect support for these developments.
Our polyurethane resins offer superior performance in areas such as durability, cold resistance, plasticity, abrasion resistance and chemical resistance. In addition, their excellent workability makes them a popular choice in a range of fields, including flooring, waterproof and paving materials.

Characteristics and applications

Polyurethane Resins for Floors
Polyurethane Resins for Floors

Since our polyurethane resins for floors:
(1)Are colorful and seamless;
(2)Offer better elasticity and a softer walking surface; and
(3)Are strongly resistant to abrasion and scarring;
they are used for school, hospital and factory floors.

Polyurethane Resins for Waterproof Materials
Polyurethane Resins for Waterproof Materials

Our polyurethane resins for waterproof materials offer excellent performance in compliance with JIS A6021 for waterproof roofing sheets. In particular, their superior leveling characteristics allow them to be used anywhere, making them suitable for a wide range of applications starting with repair work.

Polyurethane Resins for Paving Materials

Polyurethane resins are highly adhesive to a range of materials and feature top class resilience and abrasion resistance. Because of these characteristics, they are used in paving materials that employ rubber chips, natural stone and the like.

Polyurethane Resins for Paving Materials
Polyurethane Resins for Paving Materials

We also deal in sealing materials, template materials and industrial adhesives, etc.

Contact Us

TEL +91-95600 01950, +91-99106 90934