From talent attractions and retention, to nurturing leaders of tomorrow and sustaining culture of learning and development – we have to have a multi-pronged strategy. We provide our team members ample of opportunities, variety of responsibility to learn and develop their skills and experience, our employees can grow their future at Mitsui India. Employee also gets exposure of continuous professional growth and development through on the job trainings, Overseas Assignment, a variety of technical, professional and managerial seminars, conferences and overseas leadership program, coaching and mentoring.
Developing our people
The journey of our MD

Mitsui Chemicals India (MCInd) establish structure that facilitates business expansion and progress localization. We adopted Career development Program (CDP) and introduced program such as stretch assignment, dispatch for short-term career development and coaching in collaboration with the HQ and other regional offices, participate in Global Management Seminar (GMS), Global Leadership Program (GLP).
The positions of GM among all current line positions localized by around 2016 and achieved remarkable steps by localizing MD position.