Publication of the Mitsui Chemicals Report 2018
Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.
Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. (Tokyo: 4183; President & CEO: Tsutomu Tannowa) has today published the Mitsui Chemicals Report 2018 in both Japanese and English on 12 October 2018.
Designed as a platform for meaningful dialogue with stakeholders, the report provides a comprehensive overview of the Mitsui Chemicals Group’s strategy and performance from both financial and non-financial perspectives.
The report references and applies an international framework for integrated reporting and disclosure while also applying the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s (METI) Guidance for Collaborative Value Creation. Rather than rely on stylized content, Mitsui Chemicals has created this report with the aim to provide a better understanding of the efforts done and planned ahead for to create value over the medium-to-long term.

The PDF version of this report can be downloaded via the following links.
Focuses of the Mitsui Chemicals Report 2018
1. This report serves to provide a better understanding on how the Mitsui Chemicals Group has used its business activities to help solve social issues. Looking at performance indicators from economy, environment and society perspectives, it showcases an easy-to-understand outline of the Group’s efforts here.
The report also details the Mitsui Chemicals Group’s management vision, investment strategy and planned dividends in the Message from the CEO and Message from the CFO sections.
2. Special Feature: Place ESG at the Core of Management
The Mitsui Chemicals Report 2018 includes a feature on the Mitsui Chemicals Group’s efforts to incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives into its management and business strategies, as well as the Group’s efforts to improve its disclosure of ESG-related information. In focus here is the Corporate Sustainability Division that was established on April 2018. Further, the report details the judging and certification processes for the Mitsui Chemicals Group’s proprietary Blue Value™ and Rose Value™ certifications.

3. Special Feature: Helping Solve Social Challenges through the Pursuit of Innovation
The report here details the role that the Mitsui Chemicals Group must play if it is to help solve social issues. This includes specific innovation initiatives aimed at achieving the Group’s 2025 Long-Term Business Plan, the construction of next-generation plants and a range of other such efforts intended to bring about new value to our customers and society.

Chemicals have a prominent role to play in addressing a variety of social issues. The Mitsui Chemicals Group will therefore continue to promote meaningful dialogue with stakeholders and engage in activities aimed at realizing the common global vision of a sustainable society.
■ For more detailed information, please see the Mitsui Chemicals website.
- Business results and other financial information for investors
- Sustainability efforts focused on the environment and society