Organization Restructuring Effective April 2020
Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.
Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. (President & CEO: TANNOWA Tsutomu) hereby announces the following division-level reorganization, effective as of April 1, 2020.
1. Renewal of the new business development structure
The New Business Incubation Center (“NBIC”) will be established to accelerate business portfolio transformation through intensive new business creation. Consequently, organizations related to new business development will be reorganized as follows:
- Abolish the Next Generation Business Development Division and consequently transfer its projects and functions as follows:
a) Transfer medical-related projects to the New Health Care Business Development Division,
b) Transfer the other projects to NBIC, and
c) Transfer the Corporate Venturing Department to NBIC, to be renamed as the Open Innovation Group; - Transfer the Robot Materials Business Development Division to NBIC (to be changed to a department-level organization); and
- Transfer the ICT Materials Business Development Project under the Corporate Planning Division to NBIC (to be changed to a department-level organization).
Please refer to the attached division-level organization chart for changes after this reorganization.
Mitsui Chemicals Organization Chart (After reorganization: April 1, 2020)